Monday, September 8, 2008

Twenty-Twenty Hindsight

Author: Lizard333
Fan of: Harry Potter
Length: Short Story, 9 Chapters (< 10,000 words)
Time Set: Written after after Half-Blood Prince, but playing in the Trio's sixth year.

What about:
She is the little sister, just a sidekick and not important. When finally someone else pays attention to her, she is flattered. Unfortunately, not all is well...

Rating R for the birds and the bees, abuse and death. Also mentioned is depression, rape and suicide.

What I love about the story:
Another good story where the main character tells the story. The story feels like an autobiography, but it's more detached, like a report. Very interesting is also the covered topic of abuse, in which a small insight into is provided.
Furthermore it's just marvellous how the suspension is built up. Over the whole story some small details relating to the end are interspersed (the tile "Hindsight" is fitting), but there is no real clue - just hints. Drives you crazy. And the name of the other main character is dropped in the last paragraph. I mean, you can guess, but to get the confirmation this late - nasty!
Another nice feature is the length. I like long stories (gives me something to read), and this one isn't long. But, you know, it's nice. No useless conversations, no futile attempts to squeeze more words in, no waste of time - just the essentials are delivered, nothing more. You have to be a very good author to manage this feat.

What I don't like:
Um, nothing?

11/11 Absolutely fantastic and amazing story. Definitely outstanding. A story for the days you just wanna be depressed.

Happy reading! And please don't forget to review the fanfic!

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